To avoid having to call the number, you can now complete "telephone" activation using an online website to automate the whole process!
Please visit and follow this video guide to activate any office products
This will allow you to complete the ms telephone activation without actually having to call the number.
Important Note:
If you see a notice that 'telephone activation is no longer supported for your product' you can ignore this warning.
Microsoft confirmed this is an issue, and there is currently a WORKAROUND:
You can find a list of numbers to activate all office products via telephone activation HERE.
EVEN BETTER: To avoid having to call the number, you can now complete "telephone" activation using an online website to automate the whole process!
Please visit and follow this video guide to activate any office products, as per the video guide here:
5: In the phone call, or on, You will be prompted to provide the Installation ID, shown on the installation wizard.
6: The telephone system or will provide you with a confirmation ID.
Type the sets of numbers provided to you into the text boxes.
7: After you have entered the Confirmation ID (provided in the telephone call or from into the text boxes, press 'Next' and then 'Finish'.
Congratulations! Activation is now complete.